Gay fitness for 30 something approaching 40

Tomi Kczcwyck
2 min readJan 25, 2021


Here are some great tips to get ready for Pride or any day actually. I will split this into five parts ;)


Generation X really has no excuse to not have longevity. Not youthfulness per se however, we are living longer and healthier. 50 is the new 40 and 40 is the new 30 something. I am not letting myself go, here is what I have been up to!

First of all, before anything. I get my blood work done and make sure everything is tip top. Vitamin D, testosterone along with my GH levels are paramount although, I talk to my doctor about the whole shebang. I do this about every 6 to 9 months.

Hypertrophy is the key word here… My workouts are incredibly intense and I train smarter-still hard-but im very technical and the focus is on hypertrophy first and functional second. I used to do it the other way around in my younger days.Muscle weighs more than fat and bodies that weigh the same look better when they’re more muscle than fat. Make as much gain as possible.

I like high-impact weight training for 90 minutes a day, four days a week. This facilitates muscle gain and muscle strength. An added benefit is increased or maintained bone density.

Here is how I split my week in training. Legs are the biggest muscles, therefore legs are dedicated on two of those four days a week. One day, I do arms and shoulders. The last day, I do lats and traps. I superset each exercise, I never rest long. Circuit training is the best. Remember to conduct a dynamic warm up and HIIT intervals to desired heart rate. I like mine around 130–140 bpm.

In between each superset, I run as fast as I can on the treadmill for 20 seconds and then walk briskly on the treadmill for another 20 seconds and repeat 3 times. This keeps my resting heart rate up during the 90-minute, intense exercise sesh.

High-impact weight training reduces the risk of injury, both exercise-induced and outside the gym. It is also metabolically taxing. I am referring to a high caloric burn rate which will increase even during periods of rest. Try this out. It’s great. Leave a message if you want me to break down training tachnicaly for hypertrophy. It has really changed my fitness level and my life in general. I mean, I also look great in a white T and stone washed blue jeans so… There’s that.

